5 Mukhi Rudraksha
The 5 Mukhi rudraksha (Five Faced Rudraksha ) is one of the most popular forms of rudraksha that symbolises prosperity and success in life. Out of all the Rudraksha trees produced, the 5 Mukhi is the highest in number. The best quality rudraksha is found in Nepal. It is governed by Kaal Agni Rudra form of Lord Shiva. It is known for releasing the person from all kinds of unwanted bonds in life and fulfils the desires of the wearer over time. It destroys all kinds of evil spells or possession surrounding the wearer as it is infused with the immense power of Lord Shiva.
According to astrology, Planet Jupiter is the most auspicious planet that is known for granting countless benefits in all spheres of life. Jupiter in the benefic state in your birth chart grants sudden changes in life which take the person to new heights of happiness and success. But if the same planet is in the malefic state it rattles the life of the person. The 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is counted as an effective remedy to treat the malefic effect of planet jupiter
It is known to purify all kinds of sins that is why most sages and scholars keep it with them. It helps the wearer to align with life’s purpose and work towards it. For those who feel distracted in life, who lack a goal and confidence, 5 Mukhi Rudraksha (Five Faced Rudraksha) helps to overcome these hesitations, as they are the main reason to restrict one’s growth and triumph in life. The best part about this rudraksha is that it can be worn by anyone.
It can be kept in the office or home to ward off negativity in the atmosphere. It symbolises 5 forms of Lord Shiva and develops in the person uniqueness and openness to learn more. Hindu Vedas consider humans to be made of 5 elements- fire, water, air, sky and earth with which the universe is made. So, wearing 5 Mukhi Rudraksha (Five Mukhi Rudraksha) controls all these elements in one’s body.
Benefits of Wearing Five Mukhi Rudraksha (5 Mukhi Rudraksha)
It saves the person from untimely death
It makes the person fearless
It helps to activate all chakras on the body for uninterrupted flow of energy
It reduces the malefic effect of Jupiter
It ensures good health
It makes the wearer stress-free and promises peace of mind
It improves the circulation of blood in the body
It helps to overcome insomnia
It enhances self- awareness and spirituality
It makes the person wise and removes dullness from personality
It benefits the scholars, writers, journalists, and people belonging to such professions
It helps to concentrate and prepare for competitive exams
It helps to shy and timid people to come off their introvert shell
It helps to cure respiratory disorders
It increases concentration and memory